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Investing in composting is investing in your business.

Composting Can Save Your Business $$$

1) Reduces Trash Service Costs*

Removing heavy food waste by composting can reduce the costs of expensive trash services, which are charged by weight. Trash services are charged by the frequency of pickups &/or the weight going into the landfill, with hauling fees stacked on each line item. Reducing the amount of food waste being thrown in the trash reduces the trash service needs. When service levels are adjusted to this shift, this usually results in cost savings*. Food waste is an expensive problem for restaurants. According to the National Restaurant Association, & reports from the International Journal of Applied Management & Technology of Walden University, a U.S. restaurant loses on average 4 - 10% of the food they purchase. Just by reducing the amount of excess food purchased & thrown away before it can be utilized, a restaurant can cut its costs by 2 – 6%. Composting residual food scraps from the kitchen prep process can reduce costs even further.

Discarding Food Waste Pic
*Savings are on a case-by-case basis & are not a guarantee. To determine applicability, review the trash service contract signed with your hauler.
UH Compactor

2) Creates Cleaner Trash

Composting reduces or completely eliminates the costs from pest & odor control services. Food is about 90% water, which creates the perfect breeding grounds for odors & attracting pests to your trash compactors & dumpsters. In addition, compactors with high food content have the tendency to leak water & grease, which also stains the concrete & sometimes results in sewage disposal charges. It’s also common to need deodorizing equipment. Our 55-gallon drums have lids that seal & lock the food waste away from the other waste streams & solve all of these problems in a compact, contained manner.

3) Boosts PR & Employee Morale

Turning your food waste into compost creates a positive business image, which can generate brand loyalty. Composting programs with engaged employee involvement can also boost morale, enhance workplace culture, & create a sense of pride in contributing to eco-friendly initiatives.

We Proudly Compost Window Decal
Compost Creates a Circular Economy

4) Boosts Job Creation, Circular Economy, & Community Network Building

More jobs are created with Circular Economy methods like composting that turns food waste into valuable compost instead of sending it to landfill. The process of collecting food waste & generating compost creates more labor & job opportunity than the standard method of simply hauling it to the landfill. It also strengthens community networks by providing opportunities for collaboration with local farms, community gardens, or composting initiatives. Embracing composting positions businesses for long-term sustainability by aligning with evolving environmental regulations & consumer preferences.

5) Fights Houston's Heat

Food waste in landfills creates large quantities of methane, which contributes significantly to rising temperatures. This is because landfills are anaerobic (without oxygen) environments, which produce methane in the absence of oxygen. Composting allows food waste to decompose aerobically (with oxygen) which greatly reduces or even eliminates methane from being developed. Any time food is sent to the landfill, it contributes to future heat. The FDA estimates that the U.S. throws away between 30-40% of its food supply. That’s a huge waste of money, energy, & nutrients that will ultimately raise the temperatures. Keeping food from the landfill by being more efficient with purchasing & composting any scraps can help ensure that food waste is not contributing to further rises in temperature.

Houston Heat Island
Flooded Sign

6) Reduces Floods & Beautifies

Landscaping with compost reduces flooding by boosting the soil's ability to hold water, while also beautifying your business! Healthy soil & native vegetation in an area increases water retention & decreases runoff, which results in fewer &/or less severe flooding episodes. Compost is a natural fertilizer that improves soil structure & water retention, & reduces runoff while making your landscaping flourish and look great. Happy soil equals happy plants.

Houston, We Need Some Compost

Houston... we need some compost.

Leo Comost Hands.jpg

So, by composting I can cut costs, reduce pests, heat increases, & flooding,

while also boosting the economy & employee morale, & generating good PR??

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